Every Day is Book Sale Day at Calvert Library!
Did you know that you can purchase gently used books from our great selection any day that the library is open? AND for the same low prices you’ll find at our book sales! Find books for sale displayed in the café and in the Friend’s store at the Prince Frederick branch.
Purchase Limit: 25 books per customer per day.
Find Your Next Read!
These terrific titles can’t last! Come into the store or browse our “Every Day Book Sale” tables in the Prince Frederick Library Café. As always, you’ll find a treasure trove of gently used books at great prices!
Coming Soon!
We’re working on new product offerings for the Friends Online Store. Join our mailing list to get email announcements about our stores, events and other Friends of Calvert Library News.
About Friends
The Friends of Calvert Library is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are advocates for the Calvert Library and dedicated to supporting our community public library system. We contribute to the library by offering support for equipment or programs not normally provided by public funding. We provide financial support through membership fees, donations, book sales and special events and support the library in other ways such as volunteering to help in the day-to-day operations as well as at special library events.
Membership is a great way to show your support for Calvert Library, help fund library programs, and encourage reading in our community. Your membership dues, patronage at book sales and donations support the continuation of library programs and services.
Volunteers return time and time again to help make our fund raisers successful. They help with book sale setup and take down, working at Pub Quiz and other events, and serving on the FOCL board. Our volunteers come from all walks of life, ranging in age from 14 to seniors.
Please consider making a donation to Friends. Every penny you send our way goes toward benefiting our library You’ll feel good knowing that you’re continuing to support the library we all love.